Contrary to popular belief... It seems all wax's might be equals to each other, just grown, or produced in different ways:
Prior to the 19th century, a “wax” candle typically referred to a beeswax candle.
All waxes are primarily hydrocarbons, whether the wax is of animal, vegetable, or petroleum origin. The chemical composition of all waxes used for candle-making is similar, and all candle waxes burn in the same manner.
An estimated 1 billion pounds of wax are used in the candles sold each year in the United States.
Candles account for the second largest use of waxes in North America, after packaging and package coatings.
Paraffin is the most commonly used candle wax today. Beeswax, soy wax, palm wax, gels, and synthesized waxes are also used in candle-making for the U.S. market, as are blends of waxes.
Waxes burn with a yellow flame due to the presence of carbon.
No specific type of wax or wax blend is considered “best” for candlemaking. All candle waxes – when provided in high-quality format – have been shown to burn cleanly, safely and in the same manner.
No candle wax has ever been shown to be toxic or harmful to human health.
There is no such thing as a soot-free wax. All organic compounds when burned will emit some carbon (soot) due to incomplete combustion. Sooting is primarily a factor of wick length and flame disturbance.
Reputable candle manufacturers use only high-quality waxes in their formulations.